Professional Consultation
Consultation is defined as the provision of professional or expert advice. With that in mind, consultation sessions focus on addressing a specific question or problem that you bring in, drawing on my clinical expertise and experience. The goal of a consultation is to provide some guidance toward a course of action or to help increase your understanding of a problem. Consultation services are usually quite brief in nature, often only one session, and may be appropriate for individuals, family members or parents of loved ones with anxiety disorders, organizations like schools, or other professionals.
Examples of common consultation questions or problems include: parenting an anxious child, strategies to help anxious loved ones before or while they pursue formal treatment, bedtime/sleep issues, supporting or coping with a loved one with mental health issues, what to do when your loved one won’t get help, dealing with problem behaviors, and considering treatment options/fits.
Consultation may also be helpful for other professionals to help clarify case conceptualization, gain an understanding of directions for treatment or interventions to consider, and problem-solving clinical issues such as adherence or motivation.
Please note, a consultation is not a substitute for effective treatment for anxiety or other disorders, as meaningful symptom reduction will not occur in just one meeting. Moreover, a thorough diagnostic evaluation is necessary for me to be able to give treatment recommendations specific to your needs. A consultation may, however, be a good first step in the treatment process. Some people opt to start with an in person consultation to get a better feel for what treatment might look like for them and to help them decide if they are ready to move forward with that process.
Consultation services are typically not reimbursed by insurance companies.